The Phone Game
Connected orienteering
What would you do without GPS?
Using your map, find the markers scattered around your playground (park, forest…) then solve the riddles by punching your Road-Book as proof of your passage. Along the way, you’ll meet new people who can help you win immunities…
Transfer the answers to the grid at the end of the booklet to redial the phone number. Call it as soon as possible to complete your final mission… But be careful, because the winner isn’t necessarily the first!
This animation, compatible with all networks 😉 is available in the Bois de Boulogne, Bois de Vincennes or any other green space.
🗺️ It’s for you if…
… you like orienteering games with humor as a compass and technology to spare you the tedious task of reading maps.
Phone game pricing
Price before tax
Base price: €490- Animation team, sound system
- Included (per team) : Road-Book
for a group of 40 people- Calculation of TOTAL excl:
- Base (490 €) + rate / pers. x number of participants